
Stef Williams WeGLOW poses in SEFI fitness wear


So you’ve decided to join thousands of women around the world for the Transform+ Challenge, welcome! We’re so happy to have you a part of the community and can’t wait to all get started on Monday 8th May. 

No matter where you’re at on your fitness journey, Transform+ is the perfect opportunity to have some fun, work towards your goals and leave feeling confident, empowered & transformed both mentally and physically.  

Whether you’re looking to mix up your routine, feel strong inside AND out, as well as making fitness a habit. The Transform+ Challenge is the perfect way to kickstart all of the above, it’s time to commit to your health & fitness goals and we’re here to keep you accountable.

Before the Transform+ Challenge begins, here are a few things that might help you prepare. Remember we’re here to support you throughout with expert guidance & advice, as well as the WeGLOW Community cheering you on every step of the way. You’ve got this!

  1. Get familiar with the WeGLOW App: If you’re new to WeGLOW, have a look through the different sections to get familiar with how to use the app. The weekly planner & activity tracker tool is going to be especially helpful for planning your weekly workouts and recovery days around your other commitments. You can also click the lightbulb icon to see helpful articles or answer any fitness related questions. 
  1. Make sure you’ve got everything you need for your workouts: Such as a pair of dumbbells, a chair and a resistance band if you’re training from home. We also recommend a great playlist (we have plenty on our Spotify page)
  1. Connect with the WeGLOW Community: You can follow @weglow on Instagram for tips, videos, motivation & encouragement, as well as connecting with other women from around the world, head to our Facebook page or Whatsapp groups. You might even find a workout buddy on the challenge that is local to you. Keen to share your journey and get to know other women in the WeGLOW Community? Many WeGLOW members have dedicated Instagram accounts where they share their health & fitness journeys, which we think is a great idea!
  1. Let your goals lead the way: What do YOU want to get out of the Transform+ Challenge? What’s your WHY  will keep YOU committed? Are you wanting to take your training to the next level? To make fitness a habit? To feel good -inside AND out? Whatever it may be, define it, having a clear direction before you start will help keep you going on the days when you may feel overwhelmed or tired.  
  1. Nutrition is key: Fuelling your body with nutritious foods plays a big part in helping you achieve your health & fitness goals. During the Transform+ Challenge you’re going to need more energy for your workouts and improve your recovery. 

Everyone has different preferences, budgets & time available, so decide what will help set YOU up each week to eat well. This may be meal prepping ahead of time – however this doesn’t work for everyone.
