
Stef Williams leans against a wall

Finding Your Balance After Summer

Ever feel like you’re too often trying to find a balance between work, working out, staying on top of your nutrition, but also maintaining friendships and relationships? You’re not alone!

hat even is balance? Remember this will differ depending on the individual, lifestyle, current priorities, and commitments. They all have an impact. Just like fitness & nutrition, it’s all about trial and error, so don’t be afraid to fail at it – finding your balance is a journey.

And once you’ve found your balance this can yet again change depending on the season. So allow yourself to be flexible – summer holidays and Christmas are usually a much more social time, and you may even be travelling so don’t set unrealistic expectations. 

At WeGLOW, we strive to help you build long term and sustainable habits in order to create a lifestyle that you enjoy. No matter your goal, no matter your busy schedule, no matter your fitness level, there is something for absolutely everyone.

Here are a few features and areas in the WeGLOW App that can help you find your balance or routine:

1 Feeling sore, tired or sick?

Rearrange the calendar to swap your workouts out for a rest day instead, or add in some light activity instead like Yoga or Pilates.

2. Stuck on what to make for dinner with limited ingredients or short on time?

Head to the recipe section where you can find categories like faster than deliveroo, 5 ingredients or less. 

3. Short on time?

Find time specific workouts by using the search bar and tapping on the filter icon, or head to the live section where you can find workouts from as short as five minutes, these are great to stack with others. 

4. Feeling uninspired and wanting to try something new?

On the homepage we have three options, recommended for you, hot this week & community picks which is always a great place to start. 

5. Thought you could complete 6 days of training, but realise you’re missing two sessions a week and can only commit to 4 days?

Head to the icon in the top left corner of the homepage, select your profile and readjust your goals to suit.

Your journey is all about finding YOUR balance, whenever and whatever that means for you. It’s time to find the best Guide for your goals and get started today.

