Fat loss nutrition: top tips & fixes

Losing fat can often feel like a never ending battle. Even with the best intentions, hurdles along the way can slow you down and make you lose motivation to continue. If you find yourself struggling to lose fat, read more in our troubleshooting guide below to help you get back on track in no time.
Problem 1: You’ve hit a plateau
You’ve been steadily losing weight, but suddenly your progress has stopped.
The Fix:
- Reassess your calorie intake: As you lose weight, you’ll naturally require less calories to maintain your new weight. You may have to recalculate your daily requirements again and readjust your targets to shed off the last few pounds.
- Increase your activity levels: Consider adding in some more exercise every week to help you push through a plateau and burn extra calories. Whether it’s adding in an extra ten minute walk per day, upping the intensity of your workout days or taking up a new hobby, you can easily burn more daily calories if you up your activity.
- Keep a food diary: Hitting a plateau might need some closer attention to what you’re eating to make sure you’re not eating an excess of calories. You may want to consider keeping a food diary for a few days to track your eating habits, and readjusting where necessary.
Problem 2: You’re constantly hungry
Constant hunger and cravings are derailing your healthy eating plans.
The Fix:
- Prioritise protein and fibre: Eating more protein and fibre will help keep you fuller for longer, reducing any hunger pangs throughout the day. Opt for lean protein sources and fibre-rich fruit and veggies to keep hunger at bay.
- Stay hydrated: Sometimes thirst is mistaken for hunger. Make sure you are regularly sipping on water throughout the day.
- Sprinkle some cinnamon: Major sweet tooth? Cinnamon has been shown to reduce cravings for sugary foods. Add it to your snacks, porridge, and tea to help curb cravings.
- Don’t restrict yourself: Sometimes it’s a mental game. Restricting yourself from certain foods can increase your cravings. Instead, opt to eat everything in moderation. Treat yourself once in a while.
Problem 3: You’re emotional eating
You turn to comfort food when emotional or stressed out.
The Fix:
- Find alternatives: Comfort eating is a habit. Instead of opting for comfort foods, train yourself to relieve any emotions by finding alternatives to distract and relax you. Instead of reaching out for food, opt to go for a walk, talk to a friend, take a comforting bath or practicing meditation or yoga.
- Mindful eating: Mindless eating and snacking can quickly rack up the excess calories - and you are not mentally present to enjoy the food you are eating. Practice savouring every bite and eating slowly, paying attention to hunger and fullness cues.
Problem 4: You’re not hitting your daily protein
You’re not eating enough protein, which is affecting your muscle gains and slowing down your metabolism.
The Fix:
- Incorporate protein everywhere: Add a good source of protein to every snack and every meal. Aim to eat your protein first before your carbs, to make sure you’re eating your entire protein portion at every meal before you get full.
- Consider a supplement: Including a high quality protein powder into your diet can be helpful if you’re struggling to meet your targets. Make sure you choose a protein powder that is low in sugars to avoid excess calorie intake.