Struggling with motivation? Read this

It’s easy when you start a new routine to feel motivated and excited, what’s tough is how to keep going when that motivation fades and how to keep showing up so you can reach your goals. The reality is that motivation might get you started, but it’s habit (and discipline) that will keep you going. So here’s our top 5 tips to help you move beyond motivation and have success with your goals:
Tip 1: Move away from that “all or nothing” mentality
It’s easy to start a new routine wanting to go at 110%, but this is an easy way to end up burning out. For example, heading straight into a new routine and aiming for 5-6 workouts a week, if you were previously doing 1-2 just isn’t realistic, and you’re more likely to end up disappointed and potentially end up quitting your goals entirely. Focus on pacing yourself and building up your routine over time. Shift away from that “all or nothing” approach, and work on committing to moving your body each day, whether that’s just a walk outside, a 15-minute session or something longer. This is the key to learning to see fitness as part of your lifestyle, not just something that’s “for now”!!
Tip 2: Focus on the process, not the outcome
At WeGLOW we’re all about process goals over outcome goals. Process goals celebrate the journey as opposed to only focusing on the outcome. For example, an outcome goal would be: ‘I want to lose three kilos in three months’, whereas a process goal would be: ‘I’m committing to three workouts a week and walking 8,000 steps a day for the next three months.’ We find process goals to be a better way to stay motivated as they focus on the steps to achieve an outcome, whereas outcome goals only look at the end point with no focus on how to get there.
Tip 3: Scheduling & planning is key
When our motivation isn’t there, having a plan & structure in place can help to hold us accountable! Get used to scheduling your workouts like you would a meeting at work, or a coffee with a friend. You can even set workout reminders by tapping the bell icon next to each workout in your calendar.
Map out 30 minutes at the end of each week to plan the week ahead - from meals, to setting workout reminders, to looking at what equipment you might need for your workouts. This helps to keep you focused and stops you feeling overwhelmed day-to-day.
Tip 4: Break up your journey with celebrating mini milestones
Part of staying motivated is reflecting on your achievements and being proud! This is a journey that will last a lifetime, so celebrating mini-milestones along the way is key. Whether it’s rewarding yourself with a massage, a nice meal out or a new bit of activewear… you deserve to celebrate!
Tip 5: Get support from a friend
Staying motivated can be tough - get a friend to join you on WeGLOW or just commit to holding each other accountable to your new year goals (whatever they might be). Share your wins and reach out to them for motivation on those more challenging days!
Remember, WeGLOW is all about helping you to discover what movements work for you and your goals. All so that you can build a fun, flexible routine that you can stick to long-term, will bring you sustainable results and leave you feeling strong, confident & accomplished.