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Strength & Shape in 6 Weeks Challenge FAQs

Stef Williams of WeGLOW fitness app for women with a barbell

When did the new guide begin?

The new guide began on 6th January 2025, and you can choose to start the guide on any date from today.

How do I enrol on the guide?

You will need an active subscription to access WeGLOW content and add guides to your calendar. If your subscription is active, simply tap CHOOSE GUIDE and set your start date to populate your WeGLOW calendar. If you're new to the app, subscriptions can be purchased via the WeGLOW website or via the app stores. 

Where can I find the Strength & Shape in 6 Weeks Challenge?

The guide is located in the WeGLOW app workouts tab (dumbbells icon). Tap on Stef's trainer photo, and scroll down to locate the guide. Alternatively, open the workouts tab, scroll down to the EXPLORE ALL GUIDES button and tap, then scroll to the Challenges category. 

What happens if I can't do all of the sessions or miss a session in my calendar?

There are four core sessions each week and a small number of optional classes. Skipping the optional classes will not affect your completion rate. You can leave any session in your in-app calendar incomplete (which will affect your completion rate), or move it forward to a more suitable date. You can also go back and manually complete a missed workout by opening the guide overview and tapping the pink circle next to the workout. Need a break? Move your workout guide forward and back in week blocks via the three dots in the top right hand corner of your WeGLOW Calendar.

I'm a beginner, can I do the Strength & Shape in 6 Week Challenge?

Yes, absolutely, the challenge is suitable for all levels. The gym version of the guide also includes ranges of reps so you can level up or down according to your skill set. The live Pilates classes often include suggestions for adaptations so that you can work out according to your fitness level. The guide is also designed in 2 week blocks so that as you progress, the workouts gradually become more challenging. For novices and absolute beginners, the Learn section in-app (lightbulb icon) also contains lots of useful information such as the glossary and a variety of training topics to build your knowledge and become familiar with training terms. 

Can I start a new guide if I'm already on a guide?

Yes, you can! Starting a new guide will replace your current guide. If you’d like to continue your current guide later, you can always 'Pause guide' and later resume it from the Previous Guides section in your in-app settings (in-app profile picture, top left of WeGLOW dashboard). 

What happens to my progress in my current guide if I start a new one?

Your progress will be saved, so you can pick up from the point of your last completed session, if you decide to return to your current guide later.

Can I preview the new guide before starting?

Absolutely! You can explore the details, workouts, and schedule of the guide before committing to it. To select the guide, simply tap the 'Choose Guide' button on the guide overview. 

Do I need any special equipment for the new guide?

You have the option to choose the gym guide or home guide. The equipment needed will vary depending on the guide, with the home guide requiring a mat, dumbbells (you can substitute with cans/tins), kettlebell (you can substitute for a heavy household item such as large laundry liquid container), skipping rope, long and short resistance bands (you can substitute with a towel), a chair, a step (or stair), and ankle weights are optional for the Pilates sessions. Check the guide’s overview in the app for a list of recommended equipment.

What if I don't have all the equipment listed?

Many exercises in the guided strength and cardio sessions also include bodyweight-only alternative options for flexibility, which can be swapped out prior to starting the workout session.

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